AI is the defining transformational technology of our time, which is why businesses must leverage their data assets to prepare for a world of AI and cloud environments.
Tracing the ultimate AI adventure
Our proposal
Our Elastic POC (Proof Of Concept) service proposal is specifically designed to analyze, validate and execute a pilot test of a use case defined in the project and using Amazon Web Services.
Experience AWS solutions without contracts
Minimize the risk
The objectives of a POC are fundamentally the following:
Reduce technological risk
Smoothing the learning curve
Ensuring an optimal transition to the production environment
This POC or Proof of Concept aims to build a first version of a possible solution to the challenge posed by the client using the services de AWS Generative AI.
Once the use case to be implemented has been established and the viability of the test has been analyzed, the task/resource planning and finally the establishment of the evaluation/validation criteria. In order to transfer the greatest possible value, the Collaboration of client staff to carry out the different phases of this POC.
PoC stages
1 Assess
2 Blueprint
3 Assess
4 Assess
Do you need more info?
Fill out the form and we will contact you to see the feasibility of developing a proof of concept in your Organization.